Tag Archives: high blood pressure

Things keep spinning around and not just in my head!

I so appreciate each one of you that take time to stop by my blog. I thought about renting out a hotel room right across from the medical facility we use because that is seemingly the only place I have  been this fall. I am a list-maker, so each time something happened that I considered  ‘bad news’, I made myself come back with something positive or beneficial from the experience. For example:

  • The weekly trips each week for my mother’s cancer treatment, combined with the management of symptoms, infections, and continuing decline with her Alzheimer’s. . .
  1. We had some good news about the cancer. A follow-up exam showed that the bladder cancer is stable.
  2. We will do a reassessment in a few months, but for now she has a retrieve from the BCG treatments.
  • Plantar fasciitis
  1. I was at my pulmonologist’s office for a visit, when he noted two things. I had edema in both ankles and elevated blood pressure. That may not sound like good news, but. . .
  2. I was at physical therapy the following day for treatment of my foot when I casually mentioned this  to my therapist. Within hours, I was on high blood pressure medicine because the numbers were now much higher.
  3. Now that I was paying better attention, I paid more attention to that nagging chest pain I had been experiencing. This led to a trip to the ER.
  • The unexpected gallbladder surgery. . .
  1. I went to the ER because of a possible heart attack. I have continued saying nearly every day that a surgery is almost always better than a heart attack.
  2. I am unable to eat certain types of food still. . . such as foods with very much fat. Instead of having great plans to change to a healthier diet, I pay dearly if I do not eat correctly. This just might be one of the best things that has ever happened to me!
  • The EKG at the ER
  1. My EKG did indicate a problem with my heart. I have rarely mentioned this, but my older brother passed away unexpectedly of a heart attack at age 42. I am extremely grateful for a warning if there is a serious problem.
  2. An alert physician and cardiology nurse recognized the potential for a serious problem, and I saw a cardiologist for further treatment. I am going through several tests this next week, but the cardiologist believes the previous EKG’s gave an incorrect diagnosis.

This is the short version of why I have been away from my blog.

Does it change what I believe when there I can’t find a STOP button to press? Absolutely not. I found this blog, A Super-charged life, which says it well.

  1. Pressure refines us like gold and makes us stronger.
  2. Recognize the difference between internal and external pressure. This was especially true for me. I had to prioritize if I wanted to avoid creating my own pressure.
  3. The worst case scenario is usually not as bad as we imagine.

What about you? What are some things you have learned about handling pressure?